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Hillside Project Community Engagement Plan & Social Management Plan


A Community Engagement Plan (CEP) and Social Management Plan (SMP) have been developed by Rex for the Hillside Project. The HMCCC and previous community forums have all contributed to these plans and will be consulted on future reviews.


The CEP identifies the community stakeholders and outlines the framework for how Rex will engage with the community during construction, operation and closure of the Project. The CEP is a commitment by Rex to undertake open and inclusive community and stakeholder engagement and sets out clear goals and objectives to meet the requirements of the mining conditions and best practice community engagement. The plan will be updated as required to ensure it remains relevant to the local situation and operation development. 


The SMP outlines Rex's commitment to the local community and other stakeholders. It was informed by extensive consultation with community members, groups and the regulator. The SMP focuses on potential impacts and benefits within communities, in 4 key areas:

  • communication;

  • local employment;

  • local business; and

  • community relations.


PDF copies of these plans can be downloaded below.


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For more information about the Hillside Mine Community Consultative Committee, please contact:

Phil Tyler - Independent Chair

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