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230206 HMCCC Members 1st Meeting Photo_cr_edited_edited_edited.jpg

About the HMCCC

A dedicated community forum for the Hillside Project has been in place since 2011. As the Project has evolved, so too have the community groups who have all played an important community engagement role between the Yorke Peninsula community and Rex. These groups were instrumental in identifying community concerns, sharing information, and have made a significant contribution to the approvals process.

The HMCCC was established in 2022 and is an independent group that focuses on the interests of the entire community. The key approach is to work closely with Rex to ensure that the Yorke Peninsula community gets the best possible outcomes from the Hillside development. The committee considers the common interests of the community and provides feedback and advice to Rex, to assist them with their decision-making and operational activities that are ultimately of interest or benefit to the wider community.

The main areas of focus for the HMCCC are:

  • Support the building of trust between Rex and the community;

  • Social, community benefit, which includes employment, business opportunities, community investment and sponsorship;

  • The influence of the Hillside operation to community infrastructure including social, built form and services;

  • High-level observation of key operational performance indicators as identified in the PEPR that may impact the community (i.e. dust, noise and transport etc).   

The activities of the HMCCC will help to facilitate the timely exchange of information between Rex and the community, assisting Rex to maintain an effective community engagement process with the community and optimise the social and economic opportunities, whilst managing the potential impacts.


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For more information about the Hillside Mine Community Consultative Committee, please contact:

Phil Tyler - Independent Chair

© 2023 Hillside Mine Community Consultative Committee Powered and secured by Wix

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